On 25 May 2014 at the polling station number 900027 at the Embassy of Ukraine in Ireland Presidential elections were held.
Ukrainian Nationals in Ireland showed high activity at the elections. Turnout in Dublin scored to 82.1%. 453 Ukrainians visited polling station. This is 4.5 times higher than at parliamentary elections in 2012.
The elections were organized in compliance with national laws and international standards.
Petro Poroshenko received the highest results of the votes – 281 (62.03 %). Other candidates received the following results: Hrytsenko - 9.93 %, Lyashko - 8.61 %, Bohomolets - 7.28 %, Tymoshenko - 7.06 %, Yarosh - 1.55 %, Tyahnybok - 1.1%.